I DIG ENGLISH - just a cool blog about English

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Monday, August 13, 2018

random word of the day: IN ONE'S BLOOD

random word of the day: IN ONE’S BLOOD

ENG: part of one’s nature, ingrained in or fundamental to one's character

POL: we krwi

INGRAINED – zakorzeniony (firmly fixed or established; difficult to change)
FUNDAMENTAL podstawowy, fundamentalny (most important, basic)

(1) Bred into surfing culture, the Australian native believes he was destined to be in the water. “It was in my blood, in my DNA.”
BRED INTO – wychowany w (breed-bred-bred) (raised around something)
TO BE DESTINED TO DO SOMETHING – mieć coś pisane, być stworzonym do czegoś (likely to do, receive, or become something in the future)

(2) Business was in her blood. She was a flag-bearer of female bosses.
A FLAG-BEARER – promotor, orędownik, rzecznik (one who openly promotes an idea or value and becomes symbolic of it)

(3) Tourism is just in my blood. My grandfather was a chef at a training camp for people who wanted to climb Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain. I kind of follow in his footsteps!
A CHEF – kucharz (a cook)
KIND OF – jakby (in a way)
TO FOLLOW IN SOMEBODY’S FOOTSTEPS – iść w czyjeś ślady (to do the same thing as someone else, especially someone in your family)

(4) Helping people has always been in his blood and even though he was no longer fighting fires, cutting people out of cars, performing CPR or starting IVs, Marshall continued helping people in need.
TO PERFORM CPR (CPR= cardiopulmonary resuscitation) – przeprowadzać resuscytację krążeniowo-oddechową (to do an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions often with artificial ventilation (rescue breaths) to force blood and oxygen to keep flowing through the body)
IV (Intravenous therapy) – wlew dożylny, kroplówka (putting liquid into a vein, using a needle)

(5) Help me, it's like the walls are caving in
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
It isn't in my blood
TO CAVE IN – zapadać, zawalać się ((of a roof or similar structure) subside or collapse= fall down)
TO FEEL LIKE – mieć ochotę (to want to do something)

(6) HARRY: But I've never even played Quidditch. What if I make a fool of myself?
HERMIONE: You won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood.
RON: Whoa! Harry, you never told me your father was a Seeker too.
HARRY: I didn't know.
TO MAKE A FOOL OF YOURSELF – wygłupić się, ośmieszyć się (to make yourself seem stupid by behaving in a silly or embarrassing way)