Hi guys!
This is yet another post inspired by
the Silence of the Lambs. While
reading the following fragment:
(1) Dr. Lecter would relish pointing out that class resentment, the buried anger
that comes with mother's milk ,was a factor too.
our Polish phrase for something natural or innate
rather than studied or acquired came to my mind: wyssane z mlekiem matki.
You might find other translations for
‘wyssane z mlekiem matki’, but to me this one is the closest and most elegant
If you agree, take a look at some
more examples I have found online :)
YET ANOTHER – jeszcze jeden (one
THE FOLLOWING – następujący (coming
to RELISH doing something –
rozkoszować się (to like or enjoy something)
to POINT OUT – wytykać (to tell
someone about some information, often because you believe they do not know it
or have forgotten it)
RESENTMENT – żal (the strong and
painful bitterness you feel when someone does something wrong to you)
BURIED – zakopane (hidden in the
ANGER – złość (a strong feeling which
makes you want to hurt someone or be unpleasant because of something unfair or
hurtful that has happened)
INNATE – wrodzone (something you were
born with)
ACQUIRED – nabyte, wyuczone (something
you learn or get used to)
(2) [Y]ou are an American; impudence comes with mother's milk.
IMPUDENCE – zuchwalstwo, bezczelność
(rudeness and lack of respect toward someone)
(3) For the Chinese in Singapore, Lee told me,
“hard work comes with mother’s milk.” The
lessons learned are clear: set your
priorities and your values, and try to live your life through that lens.
to SET – ustalać (to decide about
a LENS – obiektyw ( a curved piece of
glass, plastic or other transparent material used in cameras, glasses and
scientific equipment, which makes objects seem closer, larger, smaller, etc.)
THROUGH THAT LENS – z tej perspektywy
(from that perspective)
(4) Learning
to stick together and blend with the crowd comes with
mother's milk for those born in the Scandinavian north.
to STICK TOGETHER – trzymać się razem
(to be part of the team, to be a team player)
wmieszać się w tłum (to look and behave like others)
(5) Poles can distinguish
between poisonous and eatable
mushrooms even with closed eyes (it comes with
mother's milk and already “penetrated” their genes)!
POLES – POLACY (Polish people)
to DISTINGUISH BETWEEN – rozróżnić (to
tell the difference between)
POISONOUS – trujące (very harmful and
able to cause illness or death)
(6) It is so strongly ingrained into the person that one can
say it comes with mother's milk.
INGRAINED – głęboko zakorzenione
(deeply rooted, not likely to change)
(7) Do you remember the first time you heard
about kefir or kombucha? It was
probably no longer than 5 years ago. Here in America, we didn’t really pay attention to fermented drinks until
the whole kombucha craze brought in an awareness of probiotic drinks. Personally, I’ve known
of kombucha all my life. It almost comes with
mother’s milk in Russia. But as
much as I was familiar with the
drink, I wasn’t aware of its amazing healing
KOMBUCHA – napój orzeźwiający ze
słodzonej herbaty poddanej fermentacji (a lightly sparkling beverage made by
fermenting black or green tea and sugar with a culture of various bacteria and
to PAY ATTENTION TO – zwracać uwagę
na (watch, listen to, or think about something or someone carefully or with
(THE WHOLE) CRAZE – (to całe)
szaleństwo (an activity, object or idea that is extremely popular, usually for
a short time)
uświadamiać, edukować (to educate, to each about)
AS MUCH AS – chociaż, mimo iż
TO BE FAMILIAR WITH – być zaznajomionym
z (to know something well)
HEALING PROPERTIES – właściwości lecznicze
(something that is good for your body and health)
Hello! I find your blog. I learn English for 26 days. I'm looking for blogs in this language, as simple. I'll check back here. I know that I'm doing some errors. I didn't know a lot of words. Staram się pisać, mówić choć nie wychodzi to dobrze. Zapraszam na mój blog, będzie mi bardzo miło, jak mnie odwiedzisz.