I DIG ENGLISH - just a cool blog about English

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half as much as I enjoy writing it for you.
Because I have a ball.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

random word of the day: CAN’T/ COULDN’T FOR THE LIFE OF ME

random word of the day: CAN’T/ COULDN’T FOR THE LIFE OF ME

POL: nie jestem/ byłam w stanie ... jakkolwiek bym się nie postarała

ENG: I am/ was not able to ... however hard I tried

(1) I can't for the life of me comprehend how this work could possibly require two minds. Still, I suppose when you're working on something this awful you probably want to take a breather every few seconds to keep your brain from exploding.  

to REQUIRE – wymagać (to need)

to TAKE A BREATHER – zrobić sobie przerwę (to take a short break)

to KEEP SOMETHING FROM – zapobiegać (to stop, to prevent)

(2) I can't for the life of me remember where I read this; it may have either been a published article, or one of your posts ...

(3) I couldn't for the life of me think of this movie's title. God bless you, Google.

to THINK OF – przypomnieć sobie (to remember something)

 (4) This is a project I've been wanting to do for a while, but I couldn't for the life of me find yellow foil balloons in the city.

(5) My phone died and I couldn't for the life of me find the charger for it.

a CHARGER – ładowarka (a piece of equipment used for providing a battery with electricity)

(6) This looks really hard to use. I use Xbox and couldn't for the life of me adapt to PS3 controller. I’m gonna struggle with this one.

to ADAPT TO – przystosować się, przyzwyczaić się (to become familiar with a new situation, become adjusted to new conditions)

to STRUGGLE WITH – zmagać się, borykać się (to experience difficulty and make a very great effort in order to do something)

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

random word of the day: PICK UP WHERE WE LEFT OFF

random word of the day: PICK UP WHERE WE LEFT OFF

POL: zacząć tam, gdzie ostatnio skończyliśmy
albo powrócić do kontaktu po długim czasie, nie odczuwając skrępowania

ENG: to start up again in the very place that one has stopped
or not to feel uncomfortable to talk to a person after a long time

(1) Now … let’s pick up where we left off last week. We have covered the 20 steps to lay a solid foundation for your job search in quite a bit of detail, and now it’s time to examine 13 rituals that will put your job search into overdrive.

to COVER – omawiać (to discuss in class)
to LAY A FOUNDATION – położyć fundamenty (to get ready/ prepared for something)
to EXAMINE – zbadać (to look closely at)
to PUT SOMETHING INTO OVERDRIVE – wprowadzić w najwyższe obroty (to make something work hard and efficiently)

(2) Overcome with exhaustion, we simply got up and left everything as it was. The next morning when we came back to the room, we just picked up where we left off.

to BE OVERCOME WITH something – być owładniętym, ogarniętym przez coś (to be unable to act because of something)
EXHAUSTION – wyczerpanie, przemęczenie (the state of being extremely tired)

(3) In this post, I want to pick up where we left off and discuss another aspect of this, [...].

(4) We just picked up where we left off, like no time had passed and for that I’m grateful.

GRATEFUL – wdzięczny (showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person)

(5) [W]e picked up right where we left off… as if a day hadn’t gone by. Comfort level: High. Moments of awkward silence: None.

AWKWARD – niezręczna, krępująca (embarrassing, making you feel uncomfortable)

(6) If I didn't talk to Danielle for a year, we'd pick up right where we left off.