I DIG ENGLISH - just a cool blog about English

I hope you enjoy reading this blog
half as much as I enjoy writing it for you.
Because I have a ball.


Monday, December 29, 2014

random word of the day: A SELFIE STICK

random word of the day:  A SELFIE STICK (also called: MONOPOD)

wysięgnik teleskopowy do aparatu

an extendable stick to which you attach a camera or mobile phone to take a better photo from further away

EXTENDABLE – wysuwany (describes something that can be made longer)

to ATTACH – przymocować (to connect)

FURTHER (the comparative of ‘far’) – dalszy (from a greater distance)

(1) My mom got a selfie stick for Christmas and I don't think I've seen her more excited.

(2) I did, however, nearly take a woman’s eye out when I was extending my selfie stick.

(3) Woman takes selfie with a dog using selfie stick in an open field with double rainbow.

(4) The controversial stick is either the most loved or the most hated gift of the season. Good Morning America called it one of the hottest gifts of the year and Time even named the selfie stick one of the Best Inventions of 2014, among a filter that fights ebola, for context.

EITHER ... OR   –  albo... albo (one or the other)

FOR CONTEXT – dla porównania (for comparison)

Oh, and my old post about the word 'selfie' can be found here:

Sunday, December 28, 2014

random word of the day: THIS/THAT BAD BOY

random word of the day: THIS/THAT BAD BOY

cokolwiek, na co wskazuję, co mam na myśli
to cudo, to cacko

a term for a specific object, thing
a powerful or impressive product or item

(1) Mumbling good-naturedly, “Where is that bad boy?” you pulled all the books out of the lower shelves … (a pet)

to MUMBLE – mamrotać (to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that the words are difficult to understand)

GOOD-NATUREDLY – dobrodusznie, życzliwie (in a pleasant, friendly way)

(2) I will finish off that bad boy in a couple of hours, you’d say, about an easy scouting job. (an easy scouting job)

YOU’D SAY – you would say – miałeś zwyczaj mówić (It was usual for you to say that.)

to SCOUT – poszukiwać talentów, odpowiedniego miejsca na sesję fotograficzną etc. (to look for people with a specific talent or a place that has a specific look needed for a photo shoot)

(3) Pass me that bad boy. (object that I’m pointing at)

(4) So isn't it time you took this bad boy for a test drive? (a cool car)

IT’S TIME YOU DID SOMETHING – najwyższy czas, abyś … (You can’t wait anymore to do it. It’s high time you did it.)

a TEST DRIVE – jazda próbna (an act of driving a car that you are considering buying, in order to see if you like it)

(5) It is now my contour colour for my face and I use this bad boy every day. The pigment is great and you can't beat the cost. (a makeup item, bronzer)

YOU CAN’T BEAT – nie znajdziesz lepszej/ lepszego (It’s difficult to find something better when it comes to…)

(6) The jock burger: you gotta try this bad boy (a burger)

YOU GOTTA – you have got to – musisz (you must)

(7) Gonna try this bad boy out today #‎homestudio (microphone)

GONNA – be going to – zamierzać (be planning to) 

(8) So excited to give this bad boy a go!! (coffee syrup)

to GIVE SOMETHING A GO – spróbować (to try)

(9) Gonna give this bad boy a try. (beer)

to GIVE SOMETHING A TRY – spróbować (to try)

(10) Give this bad boy a try next chest day! (a chest exercise)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

How Do I Say It in English - wyssane z mlekiem matki

Hi guys!

This is yet another post inspired by the Silence of the Lambs. While reading the following fragment:

(1) Dr. Lecter would relish pointing out that class resentment, the buried anger that comes with mother's milk ,was a factor too.

our Polish phrase for something natural or innate rather than  studied or acquired came to my mind: wyssane z mlekiem matki.

You might find other translations for ‘wyssane z mlekiem matki’, but to me this one is the closest and most elegant one.

If you agree, take a look at some more examples I have found online :)

YET ANOTHER – jeszcze jeden (one more)

THE FOLLOWING – następujący (coming next)

to RELISH doing something – rozkoszować się (to like or enjoy something)

to POINT OUT – wytykać (to tell someone about some information, often because you believe they do not know it or have forgotten it)

RESENTMENT – żal (the strong and painful bitterness you feel when someone does something wrong to you)

BURIED – zakopane (hidden in the ground)

ANGER – złość (a strong feeling which makes you want to hurt someone or be unpleasant because of something unfair or hurtful that has happened)

INNATE – wrodzone (something you were born with)

ACQUIRED – nabyte, wyuczone (something you learn or get used to)

(2) [Y]ou are an American; impudence comes with mother's milk.

IMPUDENCE – zuchwalstwo, bezczelność (rudeness and lack of respect toward someone)

 (3) For the Chinese in Singapore, Lee told me, “hard work comes with mother’s milk.” The lessons learned are clear: set your priorities and your values, and try to live your life through that lens.

to SET – ustalać (to decide about something)

a LENS – obiektyw ( a curved piece of glass, plastic or other transparent material used in cameras, glasses and scientific equipment, which makes objects seem closer, larger, smaller, etc.)

THROUGH THAT LENS – z tej perspektywy (from that perspective)

(4) Learning to stick together and blend with the crowd comes with mother's milk for those born in the Scandinavian north.

to STICK TOGETHER – trzymać się razem (to be part of the team, to be a team player)

to BLEND (IN) WITH THE CROWD – wmieszać się w tłum (to look and behave like others)

(5) Poles can distinguish between poisonous and eatable mushrooms even with closed eyes (it comes with mother's milk and already “penetrated” their genes)!

POLES – POLACY (Polish people)

to DISTINGUISH BETWEEN – rozróżnić (to tell the difference between)

POISONOUS – trujące (very harmful and able to cause illness or death)

(6) It is so strongly ingrained into the person that one can say it comes with mother's milk.

INGRAINED – głęboko zakorzenione (deeply rooted, not likely to change)

 (7) Do you remember the first time you heard about kefir or kombucha? It was probably no longer than 5 years ago. Here in America, we didn’t really pay attention to fermented drinks until the whole kombucha craze brought in an awareness of probiotic drinks. Personally, I’ve known of kombucha all my life. It almost comes with mother’s milk in Russia. But as much as I was familiar with the drink, I wasn’t aware of its amazing healing properties.

KOMBUCHA – napój orzeźwiający ze słodzonej herbaty poddanej fermentacji (a lightly sparkling beverage made by fermenting black or green tea and sugar with a culture of various bacteria and yeasts)

to PAY ATTENTION TO – zwracać uwagę na (watch, listen to, or think about something or someone carefully or with interest)

(THE WHOLE) CRAZE – (to całe) szaleństwo (an activity, object or idea that is extremely popular, usually for a short time)

TO BRING IN AN AWARENESS OF – uświadamiać, edukować (to educate, to each about)

AS MUCH AS – chociaż, mimo iż (although)

TO BE FAMILIAR WITH – być zaznajomionym z (to know something well)

HEALING PROPERTIES – właściwości lecznicze (something that is good for your body and health)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Books and Movies: Which Christmas Movie is This Line From?

Hi guys! :)

I need this jumper/ sweater in my life so badly!!! :D

Do you remember the Christmas movie the line* is from?

Clue: You have seen it a million times.

* I’m not 100 % sure, but in the Polish version it may be translated as: “Do siego Roku, ty podła gadzino!” (or something along these lines.)

And that never fails to crack me up :D

FILTHY – brudny, plugawy, paskudny (extremely or unpleasantly dirty)

BADLY – bardzo, pilnie (very much)

a CLUE – podpowiedź (a sign or some information which helps you to find the answer to a problem, question or mystery)

SOMETHING ALONG THESE LINES – coś podobnego (something like that, something similar)

to NEVER FAIL TO – nigdy nie przestaje, zawsze działa (to always work)

to CRACK SOMEBODY UP – rozśmieszać kogoś (to make somebody laugh)

If you still can't remember, watch this:

Monday, November 24, 2014

random word of the day: WE'RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE

random word of the day: WE’RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE

dosł: nie jesteśmy już w Kansas

said when you're in a place or situation that is new for you, makes you feel uncomfortable or scared, etc.

origin: From the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz in which Dorothy says "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

(1) When I saw that my whole family plus two other people liked my FB page I thought to myself: “Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore,” just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz did.

(2) I went to the Museum of Modem Art, I thought, "We're not in Kansas anymore." Before that, I'd only seen black-and-white reproductions of art magazines or grainy slides in art history classes.

(3) "Well, Toto,” she said, "we’re not in Kansas anymore.” She’d always wanted to say that under stress, but doing it left her feeling phony, and she was glad nobody had heard.

(4) Your momma used to live at the church on Sunday
You just go to LIV after church on Sunday
Oh Lord, oh Lord we're not in Kansas anymore
We're not in Kansas anymore

(Drake <3)

the ORIGIN – geneza (the beginning or cause of something)

I'VE A FEELING – mam wrażenie (I have a feeling, it seems to me)

GRAINY – ziarniste  (not clear because the many black and white 
or coloured  dots  which make up the image can be seen)

UNDER STRESS – w stresie, będąc zestresowaną (being stressed out)

PHONY – nieszczery, udawany (not honest or not real)

GLAD – wdzięczny (happy about something)
LIV – a nightclub in Miami

LORD  – God

Saturday, November 15, 2014

How Do I Say It in English: fryzura na garnek/ od garnka

Hi guys!

Ever wondered how to say “fryzura na garnek/ od garnka” – (a hairstyle that looks as if someone took a pot or a bowl, put it on your head and cut the hair that is not covered)?

Wonder no more. It’s called A BOWL HAIRCUT.

to WONDER – zastanawiać się (to ask yourself)

a POT – garnek (a round container used for cooking food)

a BOWL – miska (a round container that is open at the top and is deep enough to hold fruit, sugar, etc.)

video evidence:

Books and Movies: Dumb and Dumber To

Hi guys!

Are you going to the movies to watch Dumb and Dumber To?

Props to the guy who thought of spelling 2 as ‘to’ :D


Dumb and Dumber always makes me think of this one day at the university. It was a class on the culture of English-speaking countries and the professor was discussing most popular holiday resorts in the States.

The minute he said “Aspen” I made what I thought was an inconspicuous turn to my friend’s ear and whispered: Do you remember Dumb and Dumber? She nodded and we both laughed under our breath.

Just a few seconds later, the teacher said, smiling at the same time:” Yes, the city was also featured in the comedy Dumb and Dumber.

I guess, my whisper wasn't as quiet as I thought :D

to GO TO THE MOVIES – pójść do kina (to go to the cinema)

PROPS – szacun (proper respect, admiration)

BRILLIANT – błyskotliwe (very clever)

a RESORT – kurort (a place where many people go for rest, sport or another stated purpose)

INCONSPICUOUS – niepozorny, nie rzucający się w oczy (not easily or quickly noticed or seen; not attracting attention)

to WHISPER – szeptać (to speak very quietly, using the breath but not the voice, so that only the person close to you can hear you)

a WHISPER – szept (an act of whispering)

to NOD – potakiwać (to move your head down and then up)

UNDER YOUR BREATH – po cichu (quietly)

to BE FEATURED – występować w, być przedstawionym w (to be part of)

I GUESS – domyślam się (I think, I suppose)

Have a great weekend!


Sunday, November 9, 2014

How Do I Say It in English: poznać po zapachu

Hi guys!

Have you ever wanted to say the following phrase in English?

poznać kogoś po zapachu

(to be able to tell a person by using your nose rather than seeing them)

If yes, then you are weird :P

Just kidding!

Here’s a fragment of the introduction to Red Dragon (a Hannibal Lecter book) written by the author, Thomas Harris.

Dr. Lecter was asleep and I jumped when he recognized Will Graham by scent without opening his eyes.


P.S.1 In the fragment quoted above, it’s the author speaking. He describes the process of writing a novel as a series of little discoveries. He doesn’t make anything up as he goes. He is ‘told’ by the characters themselves what happens next.

P.S.2 I hope you don’t mind this type of random posts. I like writing them and will surely be sharing with you more phrases form the Hannibal Lecter series as it’s the one I’m obsessed with at the moment.

WEIRD – dziwny (strange)
to RECOGNIZE/ RECOGNISE – rozpoznać (to know someone or something because you have seen, heard or experienced them before)
a SCENT – zapach (a smell)
to QUOTE – cytować (to repeat the words that someone else has said or written)
a NOVEL – powieść (a long printed story about imaginary characters and events)
to MAKE SOMETHING UP – wymyślić (to invent)
I DON’T MIND … -- nie mam nic przeciwko … (I won’t be annoyed about …)
RANDOM – przypadkowy (not according to a special plan/order)

Friday, November 7, 2014

Story of My Life: Honesty Is Not the Best Policy

Hi guys!

When you need to pick somebody’s brains and ask people about their opinion do you expect them to be completely honest with you? I mean brutally honest? I thought I knew the answer to this question, but now I’m not so sure anymore.
to PICK SOMEBODY’S BRAINS – poradzić się kogoś (to ask someone who knows a lot about a subject for information or their opinion)

Oh, and before I tell you the story, I need to give you the lowdown on my hair. You see, a couple of weeks ago, six to be precise, I was sort of forced to cut my hair. And by ‘cut’ I don’t mean ‘trim”. I had to cut my shoulder-length hair to a pixie haircut. And because I have some kind of magical powers (Am I a witch?) my hair has already grown out and formed on my head something that reminds you of a helmet.

LOWDOWN ON – najważniejsze informacje (the details and relevant information on a given topic or issue)
SORT OF – jakby (kind of, in a way)
to FORCE – zmuszać (to make somebody do something)
to TRIM – przyciąć (to make something tidier or more level by cutting a small amount off it)
a PIXIE HAIRCUT – krótka fryzura, na chłopaka (a short haircut)

Ok, I guess, I’ve covered the basics :D

to COVER THE BASICS – omówić podstawy (to talk about the necessary things)

I was at the gym today morning and overheard two people having a conversation about gadgets and how expensive they can be. A girl was talking to a guy and was saying how she really needs this fancy pair of scissors. “She knows something about hair”, I thought. So the moment her attention shifted in my direction I asked her what kind of hairstyle she would suggest for me.

to OVERHEAR – przypadkiem usłyszeć (to hear what other people are saying without intending to and without their knowledge)
FANCY – wymyślne, drogie (expensive, of a special kind)
SCISSORS – nożyczki (a tool for cutting hair, paper, etc.)
ATTENTION – uwaga (interest)
to SHIFT – przenosić się, przekierowywać (to move)

As you might imagine, the girl liked the idea of being treated as an authority on the subject and quickly admitted that yes, she did  notice me and think about my hair and yes, it needed some work.

to TREAT – traktować (to behave towards someone in a particular way)
an AUTHORITY – autorytet (an expert)
to ADMIT – przyznać (to say that something is true)

(I have to admit that I had left home in a great rush this morning, hair still wet, and that, as usua,l I didn’t bother to put any styling product in it, let alone blow-dry it.)

a RUSH – pośpiech (a hurry)
NOT TO BOTHER TO DO SOMETHING – nie zadać sobie trudu, żeby (not to make the smallest effort to do something)
LET ALONE – nie wspominając o (not to mention)
to BLOW-DRY – suszyć suszarką (to dry using a blow-dryer)

I smiled eagerly because I knew what was coming. She was going to praise my thick hair and my amazingly attractive cheekbones and she was going to say that even though my hair is messy, I still look cute and make it work for me.

EAGERLY – ochoczo (in a manner that shows you can’t wait for something to happen)
to PRAISE – chwalić (to compliment)
THICK – gęste (not thin)
CHEEKBONES – kości policzkowe (the bones at the top of your cheeks, just below your eye and towards your ear)

What came out of her mouth could not be more different from that.

She told me that my bangs need to be grown out ASAP; that I had too much hair on top of my head and too little at the back, which made my head look flat. She also mentioned that my hair grew unattractively long on the back of my neck. (I  later checked it with someone and they unwillingly admitted that that was true). Oh, she also added that my parting made everything look wrong.

BANGS – grzywka (a fringe, hair on your forehead)
to GROW OUT – zapuścić (to wait for something to become longer)
ASAP – as soon as possible
UNWILLINGLY – niechętnie (not wanting to)
a PARTING – przedziałek (a line on someone's head made by brushing the hair in two different directions)

So basically, what I read from her comments was the following message:

“You flat-headed Chewbacca, go home, and don’t show up at the gym without gel in your hair once again.”

ONCE AGAIN – ponownie (again, next time)

I don’t know what my facial expression was when my brain took it all in. I like to think that I smiled politely, but I probably didn’t.

to TAKE SOMETHING IN – zrozumieć, zdać sobie sprawę (to understand completely the meaning or importance of something)

What was worse, I met the girl in the locker room later that morning. She was saying something to me about how she’d been working out for 10 years already. I bit my tongue in order to stop myself from blabbing that her body didn’t really show this much work. So instead I thought that I would treat whatever she was saying the same way Ashton Kutcher treats Charlie Sheen.

a LOCKER ROOM – szatnia (a room with lockers where people can keep clothes and other things, especially while doing sport)
to BITE YOUR TONGUE – ugryźć się w język (to stop yourself from saying something which you would really like to say)
to BLAB – paplać (to talk carelessly or too much, often telling others something you should keep secret)

Oh, and to vent my anger I decided to blog about it. Apparently, the wound still stings ;)

So whatever you do, next time I ask you a question, please, spare me the truth. Thank you.


to VENT – dać upust  (to express a negative emotion in a forceful and often unfair way
APPARENTLY – najwidoczniej
a WOUND – rana (damaged area of the body, such as a cut or hole in the skin or flesh made by a weapon)
to STING – szczypać, piec ( to cause an uncomfortable feeling)
to SPARE – oszczędzić (not to talk about something)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

How Do I Say It in English: ważny

Hi guys!

Do you ever need to use the word VALID in contexts like these two below and, at the same time, feel that it sounds a little bit too formal?

(1) My passport is valid for another two years.

(2) Is this contract/ticket/agreement still valid?

(In Polish we would translate it as “ważny” (still applicable).

I find the word VALID a little too formal in everyday conversation and therefore I was excited when I came across a nice, less formal alternative, namely: GOOD.

(3) [T]he company is sufficiently confident of its technology that if your bicycle is stolen, it guarantees a full refund for the purchase value of the bike. Unlike many competitors’ models, the guarantee is even good in New York.

THEREFORE – dlatego też (for this reason; that is why)

to COME ACROSS – natknąć się (to find by accident)

NAMELY – mianowicie (used when you want to give more detail or be more exact about something you have just said)

SUFFICIENTLY – wystarczająco, dostatecznie (enough)

to BE CONFIDENT OF – być pewnym czegoś (to have trust in something, to believe something is of high quality)

a REFUND – zwrot pieniędzy ( an amount of money that is given back to you, especially because you are not happy with a product or service that you have bought)

THE PURCHASE VALUE – wartość zakupu (how much it originally costs you to buy something)

UNLIKE – w przeciwieństwie (as opposed to)

A COMPETITOR – konkurent (a rival)

This is a quote from one of my favourite books: We Need to Talk About Kevin written by Lionel Shriver. You can find a short review of the book written by me here: 

Some more examples with GOOD:

(4) The deal is good for a year from time of enrolment.

(5) Consider the Senior Garden Pass if you are 60+ and will visit more than once in a year. It’s only $10 more than regular admission, is good for a year and includes free parking.

(6) The fee is good for a year from the date of payment.

ENROLMENT/ ENROLLMENT – zapisanie się (putting yourself onto the official list of members of a course, college or group)

to CONSIDER – rozważyć (to think about)

60+ – osoby powyżej 60 lat (people who are over 60 years old) 

ADMISSION – koszt wstępu (the money that you pay to enter a place)

to INCLUDE – obejmować (to also have)

A FEE – opłata (an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service)

Thank you for reading!

Have a great day!
