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Monday, November 13, 2017

random word of the day: TALK THE TALK AND WALK THE WALK

random word of the day: TALK THE TALK AND WALK THE WALK

ENG: to do as you say; practice what you preach; to support what you say, not just with words, but also through action

POL: postępować zgodnie (walk the walk) z głoszonymi poglądami/ danymi obietnicami (talk the talk)

TO PREACH – pouczać, moralizować (to tell others what they should do)

(1) My boyfriend talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. I feel lately that he's making no effort in our relationship. He tells me the things I want to hear, like he loves me very much but he does not show it.

TO MAKE NO EFFORT – nie starać się, nie wkładać wysiłku (not to try at all)

(2) That’s why last week, we launched the new Drink Up campaign – a campaign to bring attention to water as a healthy choice so that when people are thirsty, they reach for a glass of water.  So I say this because when it comes to believing in the power of marketing to promote healthy choices to our kids, I’m not just talking the talk, I’m actually walking the walk on this one.

TO LAUNCH A CAMPAIGN – rozpocząć kampanię (to start a campaign)
TO DRINK UP – wypić do dna (to drink until the glass is empty)
TO BRING ATTENTION TO – zwracać czyjąś uwagę na (to tell someone about something important)
WHEN IT COMES TO – jeśli chodzi o (regarding, as for)

(3) Cara Delevingne's newest ad goes against everything she's stood for in recent months. … What reason is there, exactly, for a woman to be naked in an advertisement for lipstick? ... If Delevingne is going to claim to be a feminist, she needs to walk the walk, too.

TO GO AGAINST – być sprzecznym z (to disagree with, to oppose)
TO STAND FOR SOMETHING – propagować, promować (to promote, support)

(4) Government talks the talk on supporting sick and disabled people, but utterly fails to walk the walk.

UTTERLY – całkowicie (completely)

(5) Kalanick needs to understand that he must “walk the walk” of the company credo and set the tone for his employees.

CREDO – kredo (a set of beliefs, principles, or opinions that strongly influence the way a person lives or works)

TO SET THE TONE – nadać ton (to introduce the (right) atmosphere, feeling, etc.) 

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