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Sunday, March 10, 2013

random word of the day: A DEAL BREAKER

random word of the day: A DEAL BREAKER – decydująca przeszkoda, rzad. podstawowy warunek – patrz przykład (6) (something that breaks a deal, an aspect that you can’t tolerate or a requirement which, if can’t be fulfilled, causes the negotiations to fail – see example (6))

a requirement – wymóg (something that is required; a necessity, something that is not optional)
to fulfil – spełniać (to satisfy)
to fail – nie udać się, nie powieść się (to not be successful)

(1) A: What's the deal breaker that ends a relationship for you? Are there things you cannot forgive and forget when it comes to your partner?
B: Cheating! There is NO reason to cheat, NONE!!!
C: Jealousy.
D: I have always had two deal breakers and have always been very upfront about them. Hit me or cheat on me and you're gone. Plain and simple

to be upfront about something  – być szczerym, mówić o czymś otwarcie (to speak openly about something)
plain – proste, nieskomplikowane (clear)

(2) A: What is your "silliest" deal breaker?
B: If his pants are too small for me...I like a man who makes me feel petite. If he quotes movies...This is a friendship deal breaker too. I can't even be polite about it, it just irritates me to no end.

petite – drobna, filigranowa (small and thin)
to quote movies – cytować filmy (say exact lines from movies)
to no end – bardzo (very, a lot)

(3) After looking at this job offer, I could tolerate the lousy shifts, poor pay and even the job being not that great. Having to put up with a two hour drive to and from work every day? Sorry but that's the deal breaker.

lousy – kiepskie (very bad)
a shift – zmiana (the working period, the hours you work on a particular day)
to put up with something – znosić (to stand, to tolerate)
a two-hour drive – dwugodzinny dojazd (how much time you spend in a car while getting somewhere)

(4) Everyone has encountered a deal breaker. That one unappealing characteristic no matter how attractive something initially seems – that completely overrides any positive aspects. For example, you found a great apartment but it's a mile from the subway or your hot blind date acts like a cast member from "The Jersey Shore." Like anyone else, hiring managers have deal breakers too – things that a job candidate does or says that immediately get their application sent to the "no" pile.

to encounter – napotkać (to meet, to come across)
unappealing – mało atrakcyjny (not attractive or interesting)
a characteristic – cecha (a feature, an aspect)
to override – przeważać nad czymś (to be more important than something)
a cast member – członek obsady (one of the actors)
to hire – zatrudniać (to give a job to)
the “no” pile – sterta z odrzuconymi podaniami o pracę ( job applications that have been turned down)

(5) One of the big ones for us is spelling on a résumé, simply because it speaks to a person's attention to detail. If they can't check their own résumé over to ensure there are no mistakes, how could we expect them to do it once they get hired by one of our clients? So unless someone is a true superstar or has skills and experience that are in high demand, spelling mistakes are a deal breaker for us. The lesson here then is to make sure you triple-check your résumé before applying.

to speak to something – świadczyć o (to indicate, to signal something)
attention to detail – przykładanie wagi do szczegółów  (concentrating on small details)
to ensure – dopilnować (to make sure that)
once – jak tylko (the minute)
once you get hired – when/after you get a job
(in) high demand – duże zapotrzebowanie (a great need for)
to double-check – sprawdzać podwójnie (to make sure something is correct or safe, usually by examining it again)
to triple-check – sprawdzać po raz trzeci, dodatkowo sprawdzać (to check for the third time)

(6) David Heyman said to me:” If there is one actor that you really want for one of the parts …” and I said Robbie for Hagrid. And I just kept saying it. And they talked about other people. Yeah, that was a bit of a deal breaker for me. (J.K. Rowling speaking to Daniel Radcliffe about the casting process for the Harry Potter movies)

casting – dobór obsady (selecting actors and actresses for roles in a movie. play)

Hi guys!

Example (6) comes from the following video, which is an almost hour-long conversation between the amazing author of the Harry Potter series, J. K. Rowling, and Dan Radcliffe, who plays the role of Harry in the movie adaptation. From this interview, we can learn, among other things, how Dan was cast as Harry, why Emma Watson was too beautiful for the role of Hermione, why Harry’s eyes are not green in the movies, why Hogwarts is a boarding school, what kept Hagrid alive in the book, if Dumbledore, is gay, what Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) spends his Harry Potter money on, what Dan’s favourite movie prop is and with whom Jo shared secret facts about Harry’s future.

among other thing – między innymi (not only but also)
a boarding school – szkoła z internatem (a school where students live and study)
a prop – rekwizyt (an object used by the actors performing in a play or film)

Hope you enjoyed this post!

Have a great week!


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