I DIG ENGLISH - just a cool blog about English

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Because I have a ball.


Monday, December 29, 2014

random word of the day: A SELFIE STICK

random word of the day:  A SELFIE STICK (also called: MONOPOD)

wysięgnik teleskopowy do aparatu

an extendable stick to which you attach a camera or mobile phone to take a better photo from further away

EXTENDABLE – wysuwany (describes something that can be made longer)

to ATTACH – przymocować (to connect)

FURTHER (the comparative of ‘far’) – dalszy (from a greater distance)

(1) My mom got a selfie stick for Christmas and I don't think I've seen her more excited.

(2) I did, however, nearly take a woman’s eye out when I was extending my selfie stick.

(3) Woman takes selfie with a dog using selfie stick in an open field with double rainbow.

(4) The controversial stick is either the most loved or the most hated gift of the season. Good Morning America called it one of the hottest gifts of the year and Time even named the selfie stick one of the Best Inventions of 2014, among a filter that fights ebola, for context.

EITHER ... OR   –  albo... albo (one or the other)

FOR CONTEXT – dla porównania (for comparison)

Oh, and my old post about the word 'selfie' can be found here:

Sunday, December 28, 2014

random word of the day: THIS/THAT BAD BOY

random word of the day: THIS/THAT BAD BOY

cokolwiek, na co wskazuję, co mam na myśli
to cudo, to cacko

a term for a specific object, thing
a powerful or impressive product or item

(1) Mumbling good-naturedly, “Where is that bad boy?” you pulled all the books out of the lower shelves … (a pet)

to MUMBLE – mamrotać (to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that the words are difficult to understand)

GOOD-NATUREDLY – dobrodusznie, życzliwie (in a pleasant, friendly way)

(2) I will finish off that bad boy in a couple of hours, you’d say, about an easy scouting job. (an easy scouting job)

YOU’D SAY – you would say – miałeś zwyczaj mówić (It was usual for you to say that.)

to SCOUT – poszukiwać talentów, odpowiedniego miejsca na sesję fotograficzną etc. (to look for people with a specific talent or a place that has a specific look needed for a photo shoot)

(3) Pass me that bad boy. (object that I’m pointing at)

(4) So isn't it time you took this bad boy for a test drive? (a cool car)

IT’S TIME YOU DID SOMETHING – najwyższy czas, abyś … (You can’t wait anymore to do it. It’s high time you did it.)

a TEST DRIVE – jazda próbna (an act of driving a car that you are considering buying, in order to see if you like it)

(5) It is now my contour colour for my face and I use this bad boy every day. The pigment is great and you can't beat the cost. (a makeup item, bronzer)

YOU CAN’T BEAT – nie znajdziesz lepszej/ lepszego (It’s difficult to find something better when it comes to…)

(6) The jock burger: you gotta try this bad boy (a burger)

YOU GOTTA – you have got to – musisz (you must)

(7) Gonna try this bad boy out today #‎homestudio (microphone)

GONNA – be going to – zamierzać (be planning to) 

(8) So excited to give this bad boy a go!! (coffee syrup)

to GIVE SOMETHING A GO – spróbować (to try)

(9) Gonna give this bad boy a try. (beer)

to GIVE SOMETHING A TRY – spróbować (to try)

(10) Give this bad boy a try next chest day! (a chest exercise)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

How Do I Say It in English - wyssane z mlekiem matki

Hi guys!

This is yet another post inspired by the Silence of the Lambs. While reading the following fragment:

(1) Dr. Lecter would relish pointing out that class resentment, the buried anger that comes with mother's milk ,was a factor too.

our Polish phrase for something natural or innate rather than  studied or acquired came to my mind: wyssane z mlekiem matki.

You might find other translations for ‘wyssane z mlekiem matki’, but to me this one is the closest and most elegant one.

If you agree, take a look at some more examples I have found online :)

YET ANOTHER – jeszcze jeden (one more)

THE FOLLOWING – następujący (coming next)

to RELISH doing something – rozkoszować się (to like or enjoy something)

to POINT OUT – wytykać (to tell someone about some information, often because you believe they do not know it or have forgotten it)

RESENTMENT – żal (the strong and painful bitterness you feel when someone does something wrong to you)

BURIED – zakopane (hidden in the ground)

ANGER – złość (a strong feeling which makes you want to hurt someone or be unpleasant because of something unfair or hurtful that has happened)

INNATE – wrodzone (something you were born with)

ACQUIRED – nabyte, wyuczone (something you learn or get used to)

(2) [Y]ou are an American; impudence comes with mother's milk.

IMPUDENCE – zuchwalstwo, bezczelność (rudeness and lack of respect toward someone)

 (3) For the Chinese in Singapore, Lee told me, “hard work comes with mother’s milk.” The lessons learned are clear: set your priorities and your values, and try to live your life through that lens.

to SET – ustalać (to decide about something)

a LENS – obiektyw ( a curved piece of glass, plastic or other transparent material used in cameras, glasses and scientific equipment, which makes objects seem closer, larger, smaller, etc.)

THROUGH THAT LENS – z tej perspektywy (from that perspective)

(4) Learning to stick together and blend with the crowd comes with mother's milk for those born in the Scandinavian north.

to STICK TOGETHER – trzymać się razem (to be part of the team, to be a team player)

to BLEND (IN) WITH THE CROWD – wmieszać się w tłum (to look and behave like others)

(5) Poles can distinguish between poisonous and eatable mushrooms even with closed eyes (it comes with mother's milk and already “penetrated” their genes)!

POLES – POLACY (Polish people)

to DISTINGUISH BETWEEN – rozróżnić (to tell the difference between)

POISONOUS – trujące (very harmful and able to cause illness or death)

(6) It is so strongly ingrained into the person that one can say it comes with mother's milk.

INGRAINED – głęboko zakorzenione (deeply rooted, not likely to change)

 (7) Do you remember the first time you heard about kefir or kombucha? It was probably no longer than 5 years ago. Here in America, we didn’t really pay attention to fermented drinks until the whole kombucha craze brought in an awareness of probiotic drinks. Personally, I’ve known of kombucha all my life. It almost comes with mother’s milk in Russia. But as much as I was familiar with the drink, I wasn’t aware of its amazing healing properties.

KOMBUCHA – napój orzeźwiający ze słodzonej herbaty poddanej fermentacji (a lightly sparkling beverage made by fermenting black or green tea and sugar with a culture of various bacteria and yeasts)

to PAY ATTENTION TO – zwracać uwagę na (watch, listen to, or think about something or someone carefully or with interest)

(THE WHOLE) CRAZE – (to całe) szaleństwo (an activity, object or idea that is extremely popular, usually for a short time)

TO BRING IN AN AWARENESS OF – uświadamiać, edukować (to educate, to each about)

AS MUCH AS – chociaż, mimo iż (although)

TO BE FAMILIAR WITH – być zaznajomionym z (to know something well)

HEALING PROPERTIES – właściwości lecznicze (something that is good for your body and health)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Books and Movies: Which Christmas Movie is This Line From?

Hi guys! :)

I need this jumper/ sweater in my life so badly!!! :D

Do you remember the Christmas movie the line* is from?

Clue: You have seen it a million times.

* I’m not 100 % sure, but in the Polish version it may be translated as: “Do siego Roku, ty podła gadzino!” (or something along these lines.)

And that never fails to crack me up :D

FILTHY – brudny, plugawy, paskudny (extremely or unpleasantly dirty)

BADLY – bardzo, pilnie (very much)

a CLUE – podpowiedź (a sign or some information which helps you to find the answer to a problem, question or mystery)

SOMETHING ALONG THESE LINES – coś podobnego (something like that, something similar)

to NEVER FAIL TO – nigdy nie przestaje, zawsze działa (to always work)

to CRACK SOMEBODY UP – rozśmieszać kogoś (to make somebody laugh)

If you still can't remember, watch this: