I DIG ENGLISH - just a cool blog about English

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half as much as I enjoy writing it for you.
Because I have a ball.


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Story of My Life: Wedding Bells

Hi guys!

I need to share something with you :)

Today I attended the loveliest wedding ceremony. 

The bride, beautiful and radiant, instantly reminded me of a Disney princess.
The groom, beaming happily at the guests, could not wait for his future Mrs to get to the altar.

There was no doubt about who was whose family: the bride’s relatives spoke Polish and the groom’s kin conversed in German.

Since the more important fragments of the service were both in Polish and English, for the first time in my life I actually listened to the English version of The Hymn to Love.

When it was time for the vows to be exchanged, the groom made his vow in English while the bride reciprocated in Polish.

The funny thing was that when I approached the newlyweds to wish them all the best on their big day and to joke about them making lots of beautiful trilingual babies, (I addressed them in English) the groom thanked me in my native language.

When did Stefan pick up such good Polish?

 I guess, big congratulations are in order for you, Jola ;)


to ATTEND – uczestniczyć (to go to)

the BRIDE – panna młoda (the future wife)

RADIANT – promienna, rozpromieniona (obviously very happy, or very beautiful)                                     
INSTANTLY – od razu (immediately)

to REMIND SOMEBODY OF – przypominać (to look like)

the GROOM – pan młody (the future husband)

to BEAM – uśmiechać się promiennie (to smile with obvious pleasure)

RELATIVES – krewni (family members)

KIN – krewni (family members)

a SERVICE – ceremonia (a formal religious ceremony)

TO EXCHANGE VOWS – składać sobie nawzajem przysięgę małżeńską (to make each other a promise, to get married)

to RECIPROCATE – odwdzięczyć się (to behave in the same way as someone else

to APPROACH – podejść (to come near)

the NEWLYWEDS – nowożeńcy (freshly made Mr and Mrs)

TRILINGUAL – trójjęzyczne (speaking three languages)

to PICK UP – nauczyć się (to learn)

to BE IN ORDER – należeć się (to be right for the occasion)